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All children are geniuses because they all have a genius organ—their brain! As parents and educators, it is our duty to give them the essential tools that unleash their natural brilliance lest they journey life without realizing their full potential. Abacus Mental Math® is a game changer and a must-have tool for every child. Echoing the wisdom of our beloved mathematician: THERE IS A GENIUS IN ALL OF US. -Albert Einstein

Read more about our geniuses
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    Enhances FASTER mental math skills. Improves understanding of arithmetic.

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    Increases MEMORY, FOCUS, listening skills, imagination, creativity.

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    WHOLE -BRAIN training. Develops left and right hemispheres.

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    FUN and EASY! Ignites a LOVE for MATH and builds a solid foundation.

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    Increases ENDURANCE and academic stamina.  Develops discipline and character.

How it works

The same way your brain can create a picture of a blue elephant chasing a white mouse, our students create a mental image of the abacus. The difference? You mentally move the elephant to chase the mouse; they mentally move the beads to do the math. You are visually moving an animal; they are visually moving numbers!

1. Soroban training is unique

for its ability to develop both hemispheres by using an imaginary abacus for mathematical computation. The Soroban claims exclusive rights in enabling all children to achieve speeds in math previously linked only to mathematical geniuses, while simultaneously developing both hemispheres.

2. In addition to strong mental skills,

it strengthens the brain by activating the power of both hemispheres. This enables children to use their left hemisphere (logic, sequential, rational, scientific, reading) to manipulate beads on an imaginary abacus created by the right hemisphere (creative, intuitive, writing, art, music).

3. Developing the Left and Right Hemispheres

is then amplified by using multiple pathways such as spoken numbers and flash anzan. This results in a stronger brain muscle, making it easier to learn any subject regardless of which hemisphere is responsible for its function. Examples: reading, music, science, etc.

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According to scientific research, a child who lacks quality mental formation can experience a sharp decline in mental abilities as early as the age of 20. On the other hand, a child who receives this information by the age of 12 will continue to remain brilliant even up to the age of 70. Many researchers in Asia have claimed and proven that abacus stimulates whole-brain development. When children use their index and thumb to move the abacus beads to perform arithmetic calculations, there is a quick communication between the finger movements and the brain. After the eyes have been exposed long enough to seeing the abacus, and fingers have sufficient practice at moving the beads, the abacus can then be removed, and a mental picture replaces the physical abacus. This promotes rapid, balanced, whole brain development, and fast mental math skills. The Japanese use the pathways of reading, listening, and flash anzan, to achieve this mental prowess.

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    Reading: When doing equations, children read the beads on the abacus. During this process, the eyes send a visual to the brain, placing a picture of the Soroban in their mind. The right hemisphere later uses this picture to create a mental image of the abacus. The right hemisphere, which is the faster processor, then allows children to do incredibly fast mental calculations.

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    Listening: Just as the auditory pathway is developed at a young age to enable fluency in a language, the auditory pathway can be developed for numbers as well. The average adult has difficulty calculating without pen and paper because reading numbers have dominated their math journey. Listening to the numbers trains the brain much like reading does, except it uses a different pathway.  Amplifying the auditory pathway for numbers develops brainpower and skills that take students to the next level.

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    Flash Anzan: Anzan, which means mental math in Japanese, is practiced both with listening and flash. When we enter a room, we instantly take in information from our surroundings. This is something we do without even trying. The more fine-tuned our attention to detail is, the more aware we are and the quicker our recall. When children do flash anzan, they are absorbing the numbers visually. Because their ability to visualize and use their mental abacus is already sharp by this point in the training, they can read the numbers being flashed, compute, and answer the calculations almost instantly.  The more trained this pathway is, the more rapid their mental maths skills are.

Fun, Easy, and Effective

Does your child need a boost of confidence in math? Does your child love math and want to take it to the next level? Are you tired of going to math learning centers/tutoring classes and having your child do repetitive work day-after-day? Are you looking for a fun, fast-speed, mental math curriculum that is easy to learn? Look no further! Abacus Mental Math is giving back what belongs to children--fast, mental math powers! Traditional methods of arithmetic left the vast majority of us reaching for a calculator. It doesn't have to be that way for our children. Empower your child with Abacus Mental Math!

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Fun, easy, and effective.

Does your child need a boost of confidence in math? Does your child love math and want to take it to the next level? Tired of going to math learning centers/ tutoring and having your child do repetitive work day after day? Looking for a fun, fast speed, mental math curriculum? Look not further! Abacus Mental Math is giving children their mental powers back where they belong- their brain!` Traditional methods left the majority of us reaching for a calculator, it doesn't have to be that way for our children.

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See what parents have to say.

Vishnu Priya

Grade 1

This Abacus Mental Math is AWESOME! Very interactive. Today we were outside so we didn't have the laptop with us, but she always carries her abacus so we did practice on the phone. Aru's excitement was at peak and she finished lots of chapters today! Thank you for introducing us to this WONDERFUL PLATFORM. I am so HAPPY that Ms. Christina is her teacher. Thanks a ton!


Grade 3

EXCELENTE CLASE! La maestra es bilingüe con un gran caracter muy dulce y comunicativa tanto con los niños como con los padres. Con mi hijo vi una gran diferencia desde la primer semana los maestros en la escuela se sorprendieron al verlo mas consentrado y captar mucho mejor la informacion al dia de hoy sus calificaciones y su socializacion mejoro un 100%. He visto que con este programa esta calificado como los mejores a nivel mundial en competencia de matematicas los chicos que toman este programa han ganado primer lugar! Es lo maximo super recomendable!


Grade K

My 5 year old is taking this class and is just entering kindergarten next week. When she started if I asked her what 2+3 was, she would have to count on her fingers to figure it out. Now, 8 months in, she can literally add and subtract eight numbers at a time IN SECONDS IN HER HEAD faster than I can!

Conan Barbarian

Grade 2

I was having lunch with my daughter at her school when a different homeroom teacher came up and praised our daughter for winning her class math contest. She said she had never seen anything like it. She said our daughter was super fast at calculating/answering her math problems. And she answered them all correctly Good job! Mrs. Pearl and her program are AWESOME! Bless you.


Grade 7

Sonali and I wish to express our appreciation for all the help you gave to Mansi. She uses these skills in middle school, in situations where I would probably use a calculator! Thank you, Tarun.

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